Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Versailles Treaty Put an End to World War I

The Versailles Treaty Put an End to World War I The Versailles Treaty, signed on June 28, 1919 in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles in Paris, was the peace settlement between Germany and the Allied Powers that officially ended World War I. However, the conditions in the treaty were so punitive upon Germany that many believe the Versailles Treaty laid the groundwork for the eventual rise of Nazis in Germany and the eruption of World War II. Debated at the Paris Peace Conference On January 18, 1919- just over two months after the fighting in World War Is Western Front ended- the Paris Peace Conference opened, beginning the five months of debates and discussions that surrounded the drawing up of the Versailles Treaty.   Although many diplomats from the Allied Powers participated, the big three (Prime Minister David Lloyd George of the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau of France, and  President Woodrow Wilson  of the United States)  were the most influential. Germany was not invited. On May 7, 1919, the Versailles Treaty was handed over to Germany, who was told they had only three weeks in which to accept the Treaty. Considering that in many ways the Versailles Treaty was meant to punish Germany, Germany, of course, found much fault with the Versailles Treaty. Germany did send back a list of complaints about the Treaty; however, the Allied Powers ignored most of them. The Versailles Treaty: A Very Long Document The Versailles Treaty itself is a very long and extensive document, made up of 440 Articles (plus Annexes), which have been divided into 15 parts. The first part of the Versailles Treaty established the League of Nations. Other parts included the terms of military limitations, prisoners of war, finances, access to ports and waterways, and reparations. Versailles Treaty Terms Spark Controversy The most controversial aspect of the Versailles Treaty was that Germany was to take full responsibility for the damage caused during World War I (known as the war guilt clause, Article 231). This clause specifically stated: The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies. Other controversial sections included the major land concessions forced upon Germany (including the loss of all her colonies), the limitation of the German army to 100,000 men, and the extremely large sum in reparations Germany was to pay to the Allied Powers. Also enraging was Article 227 in Part VII, which stated the Allies intention of charging German Emperor Wilhelm II with supreme offence against international morality and the sanctity of treaties. Wilhelm II was to be tried in front of a tribunal made up of five judges. The terms of the Versailles Treaty were so seemingly hostile to Germany that German Chancellor Philipp Scheidemann resigned rather than sign it. However, Germany realized they had to sign it for they had no military power left to resist. Versailles Treaty Signed On June 28, 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Germanys representatives Hermann Mà ¼ller and Johannes Bell signed the Versailles Treaty in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles near Paris, France.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Referring to Decades in Spanish

Referring to Decades in Spanish How do you refer to decades (such as the 70s) in Spanish? The most common way to refer to the 70s would be los aà ±os 70 or los aà ±os setenta. Note that when the decade is written numerically, most writers do not precede it by an apostrophe as is usually done in English. (Doing so would usually be seen as an ill-advised imitation of English.)  The 70 forms and the setenta form appear to be used about equally, although the spelled-out version is more common in formal writing. Note that the number of the decade is not made plural. It is also fairly common to use a longer form, la dà ©cada de los setenta, which again is somewhat formal. The longer form also would normally be used when the century isnt clear from the context, as in la dà ©cada de 1870 or, less commonly, la dà ©cada de los 1870. The form la dà ©cada de los 1870s (note the s after the year) is very seldom used. It is possible to use phrases such as los setentas or los cincuentas alone to refer to the 70s and 50s, but it is probably not best to use that form unless you hear it being used by native speakers. Again, these can be seen as anglicisms. The word decenio is also used as a translation for decade. Thus it is possible to say el decenio de los setenta or el decenio de 1970. Decenio is more formal or literary than dà ©cada.